Monday, May 7, 2007



This is a story within itself. I am kind of late getting started on the project. It’s the end of January and I wanted to work with Painter because painting was something I used to do on a regular basis and I had drawn in my New Media program. It was fun, but it took a long time because I hadn’t mastered Freehand or Illustrator. So, I bought a Wacom board and was determined to learn how to paint. It started out fun, but I was having a ot of trouble moving from level one to level two. Part of this was due to the fact it had been a while since I had drawn in real life. For me, when you draw in a regular basis, you get in a groove and kind of detach yourself from everything else that is going on. I wasn’t able to reach that groove when I was working on the Wacom board which was getting me frustrated.

I decided to work with the Sims after I read two articles in my proseminar class. What interested me was that both articles emphasized that the Sims was not the game. So my question was what was it? Also I read an article that paralleled the Sims to Second Life. When the Sims had been put online, it failed, yet the Sims 2 has been relatively successful as has SecondLife. So I figured I would explore this Sims 2. I read to figure out if I needed to start with the Sims and found out I didn’t., so I purchased the Sims 2.

Session 1

My main computer, a MacBook had been in and out of the shop and had very little space left on it. (less than 2 gigs). So I had to decide what platform to buy the Sims on. I chose the PC and installed the program. While the program was installing The Sims 2, I had the opportunity to play two games. The first one was a matching game. I was given 12-14 sets of icons to match. If I could complete the matching game within a certain time period, I was given the opportunity to make my practice Sim grow. My Sim was only able to grow once.

Session 2

I was given the opportunity to practice manipulating a male Sim. He was in his room and I was given the opportunity to let him walk and manipulate objects. I didn’t spend too much time with this as I was ready to play the game. I was given the choice of creating players or going into a neighborhood after seeing a splash page that explained how the city had changed and players had grown up. I reviewed the neighborhoods of Pleasantview, Strangetown and Veronaville. Strangetown looked like a waste town and Pleasantview looked like something in a modern day Pleasantville. Veronaville looked like it fell in between the two. The community that seemed to the nicest to live in (at first glance) was Pleasantville. Since I was anxious to get started, I judged a book by its cover and decided to move into Pleasantview. Once in I just wanted to get started so I picked a default family with a mother, father and child called the Burbs. I didn’t change any of their initial characteristics, as I just wanted to get going. They were given 20,000 Simoleons (S) and with it I had to find them a house. I tried to choose homes that cost more than 20,000(S) but I was only allowed to live within my means. This means the Burbs didn’t get a whole lot of house. This was disappointing. I wanted a really nice house. Not only that, I noticed that I wanted a really nice house for my Sims in Pleasantview. Interesting considering I have never had that as a concern in the ‘real’ world.

Since they only had 4000 (S) left after buying the house, I bought minimal supplies for them, like groceries, refrigerator, and bed. While they were there neighbors came by to welcome them but I wasn’t able to get to the door in time for them to meet the neighbors. On the first day I had the woman look through the job postings and find a job. I let the man decorate the house. I didn’t select a job for the woman on the first day because I didn’t realize my selections would be limited. She had three to choose from. When she went to look through the paper a second time she was not allowed to look at job postings. I had to wait a day before she took a job as a security guard. I then fast forwarded to see what would happen. The couple went through out their day and made decisions based on their most pressing needs. As the game is played, you can click on each character and see what their long term goals aspirations and fears are and also their immediate needs.
So for example, the woman wanted to get a job as a long term goal. As soon as she got a job her needs changed. I could also see when she was hungry or needed to use the bathroom or interact with people.

It was kind of annoying trying to keep up with the immediate wants and needs of all of the characters. I could see them cursing me out and I wasn’t always sure as to why I was being cursed out. Now I say curse because while the Sims have their own language. Character groupings like ^&%@#!(* have become synonymous to me with cursing. So they would through their heads up and yes look at me when I wasn’t doing what they wanted or needed me to do, which in turn frustrated me when I didn’t know what it was they wanted, or how to meet all of their needs in a timely manner. For example, how was I to get the child to complete 100% of her homework and have a social life? Also I noticed when I focused on one character, the other characters would work on getting their short term needs met on their own (like making their own dinner or going to the bathroom).

Session 3

This day I got the male character a job and working with the child character. On the first day I was able to make sure she got to school on time. But when she came home, I let her stay up too late. So on the second day she skipped school (I couldn’t get her out the house in time) and lost a grade. (I am not sure if this is a letter grade or a classroom game. This surprised me. When I had them on fast-forward and was just watching the interactions, she went to school with no intervention from me. When I was trying to get her to clean, eat breakfast, etc… and she was running late the bus left. There was no option for her to walk to school or catch a taxi or city bus. On the third day the girl went to school, I don't know how to see characters when they are at school or work. Perhaps because I have no control over them in those settings it is figured that I don't need to see them. She brings home homework. This is important because her homework is tied in with her aspirations. She wants her parents to help with the homework; she wants to be academically successful in school.

I learned that they get out of balance so quickly. For example, when a character had not socialized with anyone, he or she would become really angry and then make up a bunny to talk to. I didn’t understand what was going on at first when this huge pink bunny hopped in and started talking to the male character. The female character walked in and made a crazy symbol with her finger. So virtual characters can go crazy.
Later the male figure cooked and then went to sleep on the couch because he was tired. He left the food on the stove and the home caught fire. I tried to help him put it out but it was spreading too fast. When the wife came home, she tried to help him with the fire. But we couldn't get it contained. The girl came in and was oblivious to what was going on in the kitchen which I thought was interesting. Death showed up. Yes the infamous dark hooded being with a sickle showed up for the man and I quit the game and started over without saving it. I didn’t even go back to this family, I wanted to work with a smaller family.

Session 4

By this time, I had figured out you could only work in one household at a time. I was trying to fill up the neighborhood by putting people in different house. But I saw with my second family I chose (the Elders) that I was always going to be assigned $20000 Simoleons to start out with. I basically just moved the elders into a house without doing anything else. This is a bad thing on my part. I judged this couple based on how they looked. It didn’t look like I would be able to do too many exciting things with them as they moved slower than the other characters. So I quit working with this character.

Session 5

During this section I made my first family consisting of a man wife the man’s brother and a daughter who was a pre-adolescent. The woman I named after myself. Each character was given a personality based on their horoscope sign. If you changed attributes of the horoscope sign, the actual sign would change. I chose Scorpio for the woman because I am a Scorpio and this made her immediately after wealth based on how the game is designed. I also spent a lot of time with the physical characteristics of this character. I guess I was trying to make her like my ideal version of me. I made her husband the absolute opposite of her, as I heard opposites attract. Akesha was goal driven by wanting a good career while Henry (her husband) really wanted to be a social butterfly. What was interesting was when I finalized their personalities, they take a family picture. Akesha (Scorpio) seemed neutral, but Henry (Taurus) kept making faces at her like she nagged him or she was getting on her nerves. She wouldn't look at him. So I decided to add a brother to Henry named Cody. I also gave the family a baby girl named Carlin. I made Henry and Cody brothers. Carlin was Akesha and Cody's child. I know I have been watching too many soap operas. I figured this would be a way of having a live in babysitter. Again they had 20,000 (S) to start out with and Akesha really wanted a job and a house filled with expensive things, so this is what she worked on right away, she was able to get a job in politics. Henry was able to get a job as a medical assistant and Cody stayed at home taking care of Carlin.

I liked the idea of having a male caregiver. Plus this way they didn’t have to pay for a babysitter. I found our during this session with the phone you can call and socialize with another Sim, invite someone over, order food, get repairs and other services with the phone. This was the first time I stayed on the Sims for longer than an hour. In this one session, I was able to see Akesha get a promotion in her job. She was thrown with a dilemma and she passed it. She had to figure out whether or not to talk to the press without input from her boss. She chose not to do so and was awarded with a promotion and pay raise.

She began bringing home coworkers. Mary Sue Pleasant was a regular staple in the house and this seemed to help in her standing at work. Plus she got along well with all of the people in the house. On the down side she didn’t spend too much time with Carlin, which Carlin noticed. Her goals included telling jokes to Akesha and talking to Akesha. Also Akesha and Cody could not seem to get along, with the relationship it seems to be building in stages. Like just trying to kiss will be rejected if you have not been talking for a while. So I would have to have them have conversations with each other where they admired each other and chatted with each other and then you would see positive or negative signs above their head letting you know if they were successful or not in communicating with each other. It was hard for Akesha and Cody to have a conversation with each other but easy for Akesha and Henry to speak with each other.

Another thing I notice is that its weird as far as who sleeps with whom. Akesha will share a bed with Cody or Carlin. Cody will share a bed with Henry. Akesha and Cody refuse to share the bed with each other for the purposes of sleep, trying to make them do so will cause them to curse at you.

Session 6

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I am into the game, but why am I thinking about this interactive narrative in terms of a game. The way I have positioned the story, there is a definite goal; to make virtual Akesha (vAkesha) happy. Cody gets on real Akesha (rAkesha) and vAkesha’s nerves. This is bad. I feel that I should not feel emotions based on the game, however, I do and now that I look back, I realize I have been feeling emotions for a while; frustration, happiness, excitement, even nervousness.

Today I decided to kiss Henry. Since Cody doesn’t leave the house he sees this and puts the smack down on Akesha. I mean they physically brawl with each other. Cody physically assaulted Akesha. At one point, he actually had her in a head lock. Had this been a fight in the real world, Akesha would have been in the hospital for a couple of days. What's worse, after it was over, the only option available to Akesha as far as fixing was to apologize to Cody! Cody wasn't given the option of apologizing, though he had been the one that was physically aggressive first. That was wild to me. It was my opinion that Cody had to go, so he moved out.
Session 7
Henry started spending more time with Carlin. He helped her with homework on his of days and when Carlin was home from school. Also I noticed that when characters get hungry, they cook and make something to eat. Henry had earned skill points for cooking and was able to make an array of dishes. Additionally, for fun, Henry exercised a lot more than Akesha. As a result, I saw Henry was not aging as fast as Akesha was. Cody calls the house and asks to speak to Carlin. It would be good if you could understand the conversations between the Sims. I would love to know what they are saying about their new living situations. I especially like to know Carlin’s thoughts.

Akesha was still highly interested in obtaining material possessions. The problem was, though I had simpletons to purchase materials, I was not always able to put them in the house. Some items I accidentally placed outside the house. When I try to by a radio, I am still unsure how to place it on the counter without being told I am intersecting with the item I am trying to place it on top of. I eventually worked this out with practice. However I made some costly mistakes in the process. For example, I placed a radio in Carlin's room. Based on the way angle at which I was looking at the item, it appeared to be placed in an unobtrusive location. I couldn't understand why the next day Carlin wouldn't come out of her room. She missed three days of school at which point I realized the stereo must be blocking her in. It was too late, however, as the social worker came to the house and carted Carlin off. I am trying to figure out how to regain custody of her, but it is not clear how to do so.

When Sims meet their aspirations, they are earn points towards things Simoleons can’t purchase. For example, Akesha is able to obtain happiness points and purchase things like energy elixirs and love tubs or even money trees. These things can only be used so often or they risk making the user become unbalanced.

Session 8

Henry’s main aspirations have to do with getting Akesha’s affections. He spends his time outside of work trying to interact with Akesha. While Akesha is interested in Henry, she is more interested in increasing her wealth. (She no longer has Carlin in her radar!) They are able to get engaged. It actually doesn’t take much, they are engaged in 2 Sims days. Akesha becomes an elder shortly after this. Sims seems to age in 21-day cycles, however, death can occur at anytime. Henry, Akesha, and Cody were all created on the same day however Akesha aged the fastest. I can understand why Cody may not have aged because I don’t interact with him as often, however, I am unsure why Henry is still relatively young in comparison. Regardless of her age, Henry is still very much enamored with her. Akesha retires from her job. It is when she retires from her job that she becomes more interested in Henry. Ironically, it is now that Henry is interested in having a child.

Session 9

Akesha dies in her sleep during this session. The grim reaper takes her away. Henry is inconsolable. He starts carrying a round a sack of flour. Plus he talks to the bunny. When a character dies a tombstone or urn is placed in the location where they die. I am unable to move it and I want to because everytime Henry sees it he burst into tears.

Session 10
I have Henry interact more with MaryAnne Pleasant, after a few Sim days she is comfortable enough to move in with her daughter. When I look at MaryAnnes network, I see she is already married, however she is definitely giving back rubs and kissing Henry. During this section I do something I don’t normally do, I take a call. It was a long call. When I came back, all of the characters were missing except MaryAnne’s daughter, who is now a ghost. I am not sure what occurred but there are minor fires in the house. I decided to start with a new life.

Session 11

I remade Akesha. Before I got started with her I looked up cheats online.
Here I decide to use motherlode — Gives 50,000 Simoleons I kept typing in this one in until Akesha had 600000 Simoleons. I purchased the largest house available which was so big, I can’t always locate the Sim. It also comes fully furnished.
aging on/off — Halt the aging process or start it again. ( I saw Akesha get old and die which actually ended up devastating me. So I restarted the game and turned aging off the day before she was to become an Elder.
This got me thinking about the principle of actually ‘cheating' the Sims. Its not a game, so why am I trying to ‘cheat'? Why was it s important for me to not age or be rich in the Sims? Three months later, I am still not sure why I did this. I can only speculate as I have earlier that I am treating the narrative as a game.

Also this time I purchased an expansion pack allows players to view the Sims outside of their home life. There are several expansion packs available, I chose the one called Sims 2 Nightlife. With the expansion pack you can go to about fourteen more new places and interact in ways I had never fathomed. One instance, which stands out, is when I let Akesha go to club P.U.R.E. (Party Until Real Late). Actually this was Akesha 2 who was single. She was unmarried and I let her go out partying. She made out with her regular date Dietrich the whole night until the date was voted supreme and they were actually offered the option of having public “whoo-hoo”. From what I can tell, whoo-hoo is the equivalent of human sex. Akesha ended up marrying this Sim.
Also in the expansion pack, Akesha had the opportunity to interact with several more Sims than usual. Some were openly hostile for no reason and some were overly friendly. This seems to be due to backstories that existed in the Sims 1. Those relationship carry over into Sims 2 and it is up to the user to figure them out.

Lastly in this section there were more services offered to the Sims than are normally afforded in the regular game. For example, there is a matchmaker who will match you with the Sim that is perfect for you… at the right price.

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